Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I subscribe?

Order Online

Fill out the online order form with your credit card information.

By Postal Mail (Check)

You can send the order form by mail with your check for the full subscription price to: Tax News & Tips | 1224 10th Street, Ste 210 | Coronado, CA 92118

How do I order by mail?

You can send the order form by mail with your check for the full subscription price to our Post Office Box:

Tax News & Tips | 1224 10th Street, Ste 210 | Coronado, CA 92118

Can I make suggestions for articles in the newsletter?

Yes. Suggestions should concern Federal income tax subjects for individuals rather than for corporations, partnerships, or trusts. 

We appreciate your input and will do our best to incorporate your suggestions. Please email your questions to or send them through the contact form.

Can I place an order after the deadline?

Unfortunately, no. We post the deadlines on this website, we send out email reminders, and in some cases, we send snail mail and make reminder calls to help you remember. However, we deliver a locked, print-ready file to our printer at our posted deadline. We can not alter that document without a significant financial penalty. A good suggestion would be to renew your subscription at year’s end, even if you are a year-end-only customer. That way, you’ll never miss an issue. We can, however, offer you a low or high-resolution electronic version in .PDF format. The low-resolution version can be emailed to your customers or posted on your website. The high-resolution version can be taken to your local printer for traditional printed copies.

Are there any options if I've missed the deadline?

Yes! We can provide a high-resolution electronic .PDF that you can take to your local commercial printer (such as Kinko’s or Minuteman Press). They will be able to produce the printed newsletter for you. Be sure to also provide them with a previously printed sample so they can see the folding and wafer seal configuration.

One more option would be to get a low resolution .PDF that you can email to your clients or post on your website. In either of these options, your newsletters will have the same personalization as if we printed them for you.

Are the articles the same for both the color and black & white versions?

Yes. The content is the same for both versions.

Is the black and white version going to be phased out?

No. Some people believe black and white is a simpler and clearer means to present tax information; others feel color and graphics are more engaging for today’s audience. We will always give you the choice.

You used to supply "Editor's Notes" as a printed sheet with my order. Has this changed?

Yes, we’ve changed from a printed page of Editor’s Notes included with your shipped newsletters to an electronic version that gets emailed to the address we have on file for you. Why? Our printing costs have ballooned, and we did not want to pass along any price increase to you.

Is there an additional charge for shipping?

Drop shipping is included at no extra charge to ONE address. There have been no shipping charges since our inception in 1981, including Alaska and Hawaii. However, due to a dramatic increase in 3rd party shipping costs over the past few years, there may be a need to charge for this service in the future. As an example, what cost $1.38 for drop shipping in 1981 can now easily cost over $50 depending upon the ship-to location and package weight.

Will FedEx leave my newsletter delivery if I am not there?

FedEx will typically leave a delivery at a RESIDENCE (you should contact your local FedEx delivery person to confirm this). FedEx will not leave a delivery at a BUSINESS unless they have a signature on file that allows them to leave the delivery. Again, check with your local FedEx delivery person.

Tax News & Tips will charge for any undeliverable packages since they get returned to us, and then we have to re-send them, essentially tripling our shipping costs. Be sure to make arrangements with your local UPS delivery person to avoid these additional charges.

Why don't you store my credit card information for future orders?

We do not retain your credit card data due to security issues for both you and us. Costs to securely store your data are high and would result in higher subscription prices. As you have seen in the news lately, even large retailers are not immune to cyber-attacks. As a good practice, never email your credit card information, but you may use our secure fax to protect your valuable data. We apologize for needing to ask you for your credit card information each year. Your data security is of utmost importance to us.

What are the order quantities?

The minimum order per issue is 100 copies. Orders are sold in increments of 50 copies. Quantities over 600 are in any amount. 

Click here to see our entire pricing structure.

Can I make changes to my masthead?

Yes, however, there is a $25 charge for changes. This fee covers coordinating with our printer and our time to make the changes. We make no profit from these changes.

Please contact our team to request any masthead changes.

How many issues are there in a Subscription Order?

We produce Three (3) Issues:

The Mid-Year issue is shipped on May 21, with an order deadline of April 23.

The Fall Issue is shipped on August 21, with an order deadline of July 23.

The Year-End Issue is shipped on November 21, with an order deadline of October 23.

Can I start a subscription mid-year?

Yes. We will pro-rate the cost of the remaining year’s subscription. All subscriptions will run on a calendar basis.

Can you handle the mailing of my newsletters?

Yes. We can take your client database, imprint those addresses on your newsletters, apply our bulk mailing permit, CASS sort, bundle, and deliver to the post office. You will get a report of your mailing. All of these services, including postage, are the cost of a first-class stamp to you.

For example, if your subscription is 200 pieces and your mailing list is 175 names, we will mail the 175 pieces for you at the cost of a first-class stamp, then drop ship the remaining 25 pieces to the shipping address on file.